Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A New Perspective of Thankfulness

I wanted to publish this post on Father’s Day, but things came up, and I didn’t get it completed by then. In times past, I probably wouldn’t have written the post since I missed my *deadline* but I’m really trying to go with the flow a little more these days, and to not let things like my artificial deadline deter me from getting things done that I really want to get done. Now that I’ve gotten past all the rambling . . . my thoughts:

I’ve always been thankful for my family; well, at least from the time that I knew how to be thankful for such things. I was thankful that I had a home that had two parents. I was thankful that my parents made time for my sister and me, and that they were always involved in my life. I was thankful that my home was focused on God, and that I was raised in a Christian environment.  I could continue on about some many other things that I was thankful for in regards to my home and upbringing.  I truly was blessed by the home that I grew up in.

However, now that I’m a parent myself and as I watch my husband parent, the level of thanksgiving and respect that I have for my parents has increased dramatically. It is hard work being a parent (I’ve said this before) and I don’t even have a teenager yet (or close for that matter!). I am so thankful that my parents made their job of parenting a priority in their lives.  Although I am far from perfect, I know that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if my parents hadn’t done the things they did for me.

I initially thought about all of this because I was thinking about Father’s Day, and how blessed I am that my husband is the father of my children. Although I always expected him to be a great father, seeing him in action as a father is amazing to me. I have learned so much from him, and I look forward every day to our journey in parenthood together. I am so thankful to have a home that is dedicated to God and serving Him first.

Happy Father’s Day to fathers everywhere, but especially my dad and my husband! The world needs more strong dads like you!

Dad collage 2011

(To see last year's "D-A-D" shot click here!)

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