Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy 11 Months Luke!

It is hard to believe that a year ago I was busy making final preparations for your arrival. These past eleven months have gone by quickly, and it doesn't seem like you should be approaching a year old already. This past month in particular has been a very busy one for our family, and unfortunately I didn't take as many photos as usual.

You are into everything! You crawl quickly everywhere, and you have become an expert at pulling up. You can pop up and down so quickly! You can "walk" along things as you hold on. You have also become quite a challenge when you ride in the grocery cart, because you have mastered wiggling around the seatbelt, standing up, and trying to climb in the back. The first photo below shows how I barricaded you in one day at Target to keep your from climbing out. And you are SO fast at wiggling out! You have also started climbing a little bit this month. You have climbed up the bean bags I've been using to barricade you in.


This month brought your first two instances of cuts/bumps/bruises. First, you cut your tongue when you were crawling with you cup. Later in the month, Troy was pushing you around in the stroller in the front yard when he accidentally pushed the stroller off the curb. The stroller lost its balance, and fell over and you hit the side of your head on the curb. You handled it like a champ though! Troy told Daddy, "Daddy, I forgot to turn." Troy's response was so sad and innocent all at the same time.


You went swimming for the first time this month, and I think you really enjoyed the water (minus getting a little cold). Overall, I think you really enjoyed hanging out at the lake.

You still like to eat, but you've slowed down a little bit. I'm certain your favorite food is yogurt. You get so excited when you see it, and if we bring it out with other foods at the same time, you want it and nothing else.

20140731-IMG_2898.jpgYou learned to sign "finished" this month, and I also think you signed "milk." You continue to babble up a storm, and you know how to yell at us to get our attention. This month you started showing us how "offended" you are when we take something away from you or tell  you "no." You've also started looking up at us before you touch something you know you aren't supposed to touch. It is pretty funny!

You enjoy putting objects into other things like baskets or buckets. You entertain yourself for a long time putting things in and out. You like to play with balls, and one of your favorite activities is playing "soccer" with daddy, Ella, and Troy. You also continue to enjoy looking at books.

20140801-IMG_2990.jpgYou stayed for an extended period without us for the first time at the end of this past month. You did great, and had lots of fun being spoiled by your aunt!

Luke @ 10 months
Troy @ 11 months
I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old, but I do have this photo of Ella with her 10 month sign :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy 10 Months Luke!

Happy 10 Months Luke!

These past couple of months have flown by! You have become so "grown up" for a baby . . . the days of sleepless nights and constant feedings seem like so long ago. 20140610-IMG_1014.jpg
You had your first Caskey peach this month, and you loved it! You gnawed on the peach all the way down to the pit. You ended up eating 5 peaches in all at your first Farmer's Market. Have I ever mentioned that you love to eat? ;) You continue to be a big eater - eating just about everything. You have gotten a little more picky in that you don't love your cheerios quite as much now that you've had lots of other foods. I think that yogurt is your favorite food - you get SO excited when you see it!20140617-IMG_1152.jpg
You are extremely mobile now, crawling everywhere! And you can crawl fast when you want to get somewhere, particularly if you want to chase after Reeses. I need to do some serious re-babyproofing around the house so you can explore more (I've gotten a little lax with things since Ella and Troy have gotten older). You've also started pulling up in the past week or so. I finally had to lower your crib down.
20140626-IMG_1783.jpgYou love to play with toys, and you continue to love to chew on tags, especially of your swaddling blankets. You also really like to look at books. You'll point and "talk" as you look through the pages. You also continue to be very vocal, "yelling" to get our attention or when you are excited about something.
You continue to like to play with Ella and Troy, and I think they like playing with you more and more as you are getting older. They (especially Ella!), are so excited when they see you do something "new." Ella will excitedly tell us what she saw you do and then tell us you've never done it before. :)
20140708-IMG_1880.jpg Luke @ 9 months
Troy @ 10 months
I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old, but I do have this photo of Ella with her 10 month sign :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nose Scrunch

Despite some subtle differences, there is no doubt that my kids are related. They look so much alike, and even make similar facial expressions. Here is one of my favorites: the nose scrunch.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Teaching Ella to Read

I should have written this post several months ago, but life got busy (doesn't it always?), and I never wrote it. So, here it is now . . .only a few months late.

When Ella was around 4 1/2 years old, I ventured into the task of teaching her to read. Though I'd never taught anyone to read, I really thought she was showing lots of signs of readiness, so I decided that we would begin the journey. I entered into the task with caution: if, for some reason, she wasn't ready I wasn't going to push it. She was still young when I began the process, and I didn't want to deter her from reading or learning in any way by pushing her if she wasn't ready.

I chose to use the book Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons as our curriculum (I've included a brief review at the end of this post). I made Ella a sticker chart to show her progress and help motivate her along the way. The first few lessons went well with Ella. Then, slowly, things started to get really frustrating. We were struggling through the lessons, and I was getting more and more frustrated. I really thought she could do the lessons (which only frustrated me more!), but just wasn't putting forth the right kind of effort to complete the lessons. So, around lesson 20 or so, we stopped. I decided to take a step back and reevaluate in a few months.

I'm SO glad we took a step back, and started again a few months later. Our lessons were like night and day compared to a few months earlier. She breezed through most lessons, and continued to be eager to learn more. That's not to say that there weren't times when we had tough lessons, but overall, our lesson time was much, much better. 

What was the difference in the few months time? Was Ella not really ready? When I reflect back to the first time that we tried to work on the lessons, I think the struggles with the lessons had a lot more to do with me than with Ella. It was my first time attempting anything like this, and I'm not sure that I had the right approach and attitude with Ella. I think she easily picked up on my frustration and that manifested in how she completed the lessons. When we started the second time, I started with a fresh attitude and more determined patience. I think my demeanor with her made a huge difference in the lessons.
And now, Ella can read! She finished the 100th lesson not long after she turned five years old. I was very pleased with how well she was reading when she completed all 100 lessons, and her reading has continued to progress even though the official lessons have stopped. I think the curriculum did a good job giving her the tools she needs to continue to grow in her reading ability.  

Here are my general thoughts about the curriculum Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons. I should note that I haven't looked at any other curriculums or programs for teaching reading, so I do not have anything to compare the program to. 

  • The book is inexpensive, and does not require any additional materials except some paper to do the sound writing portion.
  • The book was very easy for me to use to teach her. Everything was laid out - even down to the words I should say during each lesson.
  • The lessons were short. The book states that each lesson should only take about 15-20 minutes. There were many times Ella finished a lesson in about 10 minutes, but there were also some lessons that took her longer than 20 minutes. On average, most lessons did take about 15 minutes.
    • The lessons are also short enough that you can do more than one lesson a day, depending on your child. With Ella there were times she was especially eager to keep on, and it was nice to be able to move on to the next lesson.
    • It was also nice to know that if Ella was struggling with something, the lesson was short, and we didn't have to labor on for a long period of time.
  • The book incorporated pictures, questions for checking for comprehension, as well as writing as part of learning to read.
    • We frequently skipped the writing portion of the lessons. I think the writing portion is beneficial, but for Ella is wasn't always necessary.
  • I wasn't sure how to classify this, but I really liked the way the book teaches the student to sound the words out.
  • The lessons, particularly the first 25 or so, can be tedious until your child "gets" the method.
  • The names of the letters of the alphabet are not introduced until the very end of the book (letters are simply referred to using the sound they make). There is reasoning behind not using the letter names (and I understand that), but Ella already knew her letters prior to starting the curriculum, so we skipped parts of lessons at the end.
Overall, I really liked this curriculum, and plan to use it for Troy. I do think it will be interesting to see how Troy takes to the approach compared to Ella, because I think Ella's personality fit the curriculum well and Troy and Ella are quite different. : ) 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I do not have the words to express how truly blessed our family is because of my husband, and his love as husband and father. His life constantly shows his love towards our family in everything from his leadership to his firm hand to his gentleness and compassion. Thank you for all you do and are for our family!

(Sometimes it is still hard to believe I've got a kid for each letter now!)

D-A-D photos from past years

This year, I had Ella and Troy answer questions for a Father’s Day questionnaire I found on Pinterest. Their answers (particularly Troy's) were, uh, interesting at times. : )
  • What is Daddy’s name? 
    • Ella: Daddy 
    • Troy: Trent
  • What does Daddy do for fun?
    • Ella: Play soccer outside
    • Troy: Sit down, I mean, play ball
  • What does Daddy do at work?
    • Ella: works
    • Troy: work
  • What are his favorite things to eat?
    • Ella: green beans and sweet potatoes
    • Troy: pickles, how about sandwiches with spicy stuff in it {I have absolutely NO idea where he got this answer from!}
  • What does he like to drink?
    • Ella: Dr. Pepper
    • Troy: Dr. Pepper
  • How old is Daddy?
    • Ella: 31
    • Troy: I can't remember; I can't even know
  • Where did you and Daddy meet?
    • Ella: when I was a baby
    • Troy: I can't remember, is it at McCarty?
  • How long have you know Daddy?
    • Ella: a long time
    • Troy: (reached to the sky)
  • How tall is Daddy?
    • Ella: (reached to the sky)
    • Troy: (stood up, pointed to the sky)
  • What is Daddy’s hair like?
    • Ella: tiny (showed with her fingers)
    • Troy: short
  • How much does Daddy weigh?
    • Ella: 80 lbs
    • Troy: reached to sky
  • What makes Daddy the best?
    • Ella: plays fight (wrestle) and plays ball and plays defense
    • Troy: cuz I love him
  • What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
    • Ella: play fight (wrestle)
    • Troy: play defense

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy 9 Months Luke!

Nine months! It seems like everyone lately has been commenting on how big you have gotten. Everyone also comments about how happy you are all the time, and, generally you are a very happy baby, though you definitely know how to let us know if you don't like something.

This month has brought big changes when it comes to your mobility. You've gone from getting up on all fours and rocking to inchworming across the room to finally actually taking crawling "steps."
Luke rocking from Lisa on Vimeo

Luke learning to Crawl June 5 from Lisa on Vimeo

You love, love, love to eat! And you eat a lot of food! You've only turned your nose up to one food - a puree of "garden vegetables," but I'm not sure I blame you since we gave it to you after you'd been eating some sweet fruit. You have a great pincer grasp, and do a really good job eating on your own. You also do a good job putting all eight of your teeth to work, chomping happily away!


This month you've learned how to clap and wave. You practiced your wave a lot when we were at Disney World when everyone was stopping to say "hi" to you! You also sometimes say something that sounds like "hi" when you wave, so I guess that would officially be your first word!

I'll write more about Disney in a different post, but you were a champ at Disney. You loved being outside, and even enjoyed meeting some of the characters.

20140518-IMG_9886.jpgElla and Troy continue to love to play with you - they were especially excited to play with your new ball bopper with you. I'm thankful for the relationships that you have already formed with each of them.

Luke from Lisa on Vimeo.

Luke jumping may 2014 from Lisa on Vimeo.

Luke @ 8 months

Troy @ 9 months

(I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy 8 Months Luke!

I’m a little late, but happy 8 months Luke! You turned 8 months old during Focal Point, but things were too crazy (in a good way!) to sit down to write this post.


Over the past few months you have definitely transitioned into a much happier baby. People are constantly commenting on how happy you always seem (granted, they aren’t around you all the time! : ) ). Everyone always loves to stop to talk to you – you usually love to talk and smile back at them.


Though you haven’t started full-on crawling, you “inchworm” around and are pretty good at getting wherever you want to go. We had to officially get rid of the bumbo this month: you became quite good at bending yourself out of the bumbo. You are still a little unsteady when it comes to sitting by yourself, though you can do it.


You LOVE to eat. Ella and Troy were good eaters from the beginning, but I think you trump both of them. You have eaten everything I’ve given you (and a lot of it!). You do a really good job picking up food and getting it in your mouth by yourself as well.  You’ve learned to sign “more” this month, and you have definitely associated it with food. One morning when I got you up in the morning you were quickly signing “more” over and over again. I think you were hungry and ready for breakfast!


You have a mouth full of teeth! When you turned eight months, you had four teeth on top, and three on bottom (another has poked through on the bottom since you turned eight months). You love to chew, especially on your swaddle blanket tags.


You are still doing a good job sleeping at night as well as during naptime. I was quite nervous about you and Troy sharing a room, but y’all have really done well together. Troy does an amazing job staying quiet so you can go to sleep. If I have to come get you to feed you or change you while Troy is trying to go to sleep he’ll very sweetly tell me that I need to bring you back.


I continue to love watching your interaction with Ella and Troy. Y’all are quite the trio!

Luke @ 7 months

Troy @ 8 months

(I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Happy 7 Months Luke!

Seven months . . . closer to one year old than being a brand new baby. You are such a funny baby: you complain and demand our attention, and when we look at you, you give us the biggest, cheesiest smile. You “talk” a lot, and you smile a lot too.

20140311-IMG_6032.jpgYou had three more teeth pop through this month – all on the top. Your teeth are so cute, and it is crazy how many you have already. You love to chew on toys and blankets – maybe because you have so many teeth coming in. You are pretty content in the car or stroller if you have a blanket to chew on while you are riding around.


You started sleeping a lot better this month. Most nights you’ll sleep long enough that I’d consider you sleeping through the night. It is very nice to get some decent sleep again. : ) You have also started taking much longer and more consistent naps, which is also very nice for us. You still like to sleep on your belly. If you fuss for very long after I lay you down, I often find you flipped over on your back. You can roll from your back to your belly, but I think you are usually too sad to think about doing that in your crib. You also scoot around a lot in your crib. I don’t know *exactly* how you are moving around, just that you do because I find you in a different place than where I laid you down to start at night. In fact, you have a certain corner of the crib that I often find you in when I check on you before I go to bed. 20140401-IMG_6568.jpg

I feel like every day that passes you are more and more content. You are definitely a mama’s boy right now, but you have gotten to be more content when others have you when I’m not around. In fact, you are actually more content with others when I’m not there (probably because I’m not there to distract you!).  20140401-IMG_6583.jpg 

You have really started eating solids this month, and now that you have decided that eating solid food is OK, there hasn’t been anything you haven’t liked. You’ve loved all the different fruits and veggies you’ve tried, as well as yogurt and puffs. I think yogurt is probably your favorite food right now. You’ve gotten really good at eating puffs, and you entertain yourself for a long time while you eat them.20140327-IMG_6228.jpg

Your grabbing skills have gotten even more refined this month. As evidenced below, you didn’t like the sticker (or maybe that I was taking your pictures) and you did something about it!20140406-IMG_7342.jpg 20140406-IMG_7352.jpg

Although you weren’t happy in the photo below, you generally really like to be outside. You’ve started showing some hints that you may suck your thumb, but you aren’t a full-fledged “thumb-sucker” yet. You really love your siblings, and you are very tolerant of them, smiling and laughing with them. You also have become fond of our dog Reeses (even though you didn’t seem so interested in her at first).20140405-IMG_7232.jpg

Luke @ 6 months

Troy @ 7 months

(I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy 6 Months Luke!

Six months is one of those milestones that seems really big – halfway to no longer being a “baby.” Many days you remind me how much less you are like a newborn and how much more you are like a one year old. You don’t have to eat as often anymore. You grab and knock my phone out of my hand when I’m holding you. You smile when you see my face or hear my voice. You watch me as I walk away, and even cry sometimes too.

You started using your jumperoo this month. Generally, I think you like it, but you’d prefer if someone sat by it and talked to you while you are in it.

20140206-IMG_5145.jpgYour interactions with Ella and Troy also show how much you are changing. You love (most of the time!) when they talk and play with you. Ella, who has recently learned to read, loves reading books to you. Troy randomly kisses and hugs you many times a day. One day Troy told me, “I like Luke better than I like my big pillow.” And, he really likes his big pillow!

20140215-IMG_5419.jpgYou started going to Bible class at the end of last month, but I forgot to mention it in that post. You were pretty unsure at first, and I had to hold you quite a bit the first couple of classes, but you have gotten a lot better in just a month in sitting in your chair and being content a good part of the class time.UntitledI think you are going to be our first non-blue-eyed baby. Though your eyes have been blue, they’ve been darker than Ella’s or Troy’s from the beginning. Within the past month, the color near the center of your eye has started changing to brown. Maybe your eyes will be like mine – brown near the center and green on the outside. Only time will tell!20140222-IMG_5453.jpgYou started sleeping in your crib at night as well as during naptime this month. I was anxious about the transition, but once you figured out that your crib was OK for sleep, you’ve done pretty well. Your dad figured out that you prefer to sleep on your belly – crazy to me since you have not been a fan of tummy time (though you’ve started liking it more lately). You have gotten pretty good at holding yourself up during tummy time lately as well.20140223-IMG_5464.jpg20140303-IMG_5743.jpgI LOVE your smile – it is infectious to me. It reminds me SO much of Ella’s smile at the same age. I also love your laugh, and love that we can make you laugh easily. I got a good video of you laughing recently (at the end of the post). You started rolling over this month, but you aren’t a very “rolly” baby yet. 20140223-IMG_5484.jpg

You are getting pretty good at grasping toys (and hair!) as well as putting toys in your mouth to chew on which is a good thing since your front two bottom teeth popped through about a week before you turned 6 months. Your teeth are pretty cute. : ) We tried to give you food again a couple of times this past month. You didn’t hate it, but you also didn’t love it. We’ll keep trying though!20140306-IMG_5769.jpg

Luke @ 5 months

Troy @ 6 months

(I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Mission Field in My Home

During a recent ladies class, I was reminded and encouraged about the importance of the mission field in my home: my children. As I was meditating again on the importance of the mission field in my home, a thought about my mission work struck me in a way it hadn’t before.

I know that I am uniquely well-suited to teach the mission field in my home, well, because after all they are my children, and I should have the closest relationship with them. I’ve been with them from the beginning. I know their fears and joys. I know their weaknesses and struggles. I know their tender hearts and their lively spirits. I know their experiences, and how their experiences have molded them into the person they are.

But I’m also uniquely well-suited to teach the mission field in my home because I don’t just get to plant the seed of the Word in my children’s hearts, I get to prepare the soil where I will plant the seed. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15) Jesus describes the seed (the word) being sown on different soil types. Some seed is snatched up by the devil; some seed grows in rocky ground,  has no roots and withers away; some seed grows among the thorns and is choked out; and some seed grows in good soil and bears fruit. I need to prepare my children’s hearts so that their hearts are “noble and good” (Luke 8:15), ready to receive the word and produce fruit.

I must be careful to not allow the truth of God’s Word to be snatched away from my children. As a Christian mother, I am commanded to be a homemaker or a keeper of the home, literally meaning to guard the home (Titus 2:5). Do I guard my home from influences that would steal the seed from my children?

I must also be careful to not place rocks or thorns in my children’s soil. Do I place rocks in their soil by undermining their future faith in God’s Word by my actions? My life must exemplify faith in God inside and outside the home. My children will not be fooled; for example, they will know if I am submissive to my husband and if I speak kind words. If I am hypocritical, I am placing rocks in my children’s soil.

Do I place thorns in their soil by teaching them to love material things or to be worried with the things in this world? My children will see if my emphasis is on the material rather than the spiritual; if I am storing up treasures on earth rather than treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21).

Rather, I must nurture my children’s soil by teaching them to love God’s Word. I must nurture my children’s soil by teaching them the importance of respect and obedience. I must nurture my children’s soil by teaching them about self-sacrificing love.

Though all souls are precious, the souls in my home hold a particularly precious place in my heart. The mission field in my home is a constant work and blessing. Am I placing rocks or thorns in my children’s soil? Am I allowing the seed to be thrown to the wayside where it can be quickly snatched away? Or am I preparing my children’s soil as a farmer would before planting the seed so that their hearts are ready to receive the Word which is able to save their souls (James 1:21)?


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy 5 Months Luke!

Every day you become more expressive and more aware of the world around you. It is such a joy to watch you grow and learn.


You still aren’t sleeping very well at night, and I really hoped that after being back in the routine you’d start sleeping well again, but that hasn’t happened. Soon we’ll be moving you to your crib at night (out of our room), and hopefully that will help. We haven’t moved you in there yet because we didn’t want to disturb Troy’s sleeping, but it is time. We’ll probably let Troy sleep in Ella’s room for a few nights while you adjust to your crib. Your naps still aren’t very regular either. Generally you take lots of little naps during the day rather than longer ones. Every now and then you’ll take a longer nap, but you haven’t fully transitioned out of the “catnapping” yet.

20140114-IMG_4319.jpgYou are extremely expressive, and your faces crack us up. Sometimes your expressions are serious and sometimes they are silly. I love the look you get on your face when you spot your hands or your feet. You’ve been chewing on your hands a lot lately, and sometimes you suck on your fingers. You’ve even sucked on your thumb a few times. You also love to grab your toes/feet and try to chew on them. Your flexibility is so cute!20140129-IMG_4437.jpgYou haven’t rolled over yet (on a flat surface anyway), but I really think that is more my fault than anything. You just don’t get the floor time you need to practice your rolling over. You do wiggle around a lot and can roll halfway (below) very easily.


You really enjoy being outside, and are very content outside. You will sit in your bouncer for a long time while Ella and Troy trounce around outside. 20140131-IMG_4479.jpg

You tried sweet potatoes this month, but really didn’t want anything to do with them. You made an awful face, and tried to keep me from putting more in your mouth. I’m not in a big hurry to push food on you because you don’t *need* it yet, and also because of your soy allergy.20140205-IMG_5114.jpg

You love to kick, and you have really gotten good control of your legs in the past month. I inadvertently put your bouncer together wrong, resulting in your toys being at your feet instead of your hands. Turned out that you loved them being down there because you could kick them!

I love making you laugh (and we can get you to laugh pretty easily these days). Your dad got this video of you talking/laughing at him one day.

Luke @ 4 Months

Troy @ 5 Months

(I didn’t start writing these monthly posts for Ella until she was 17 months old)