I realize this post is almost a week late, but that's how life goes sometimes. Things have been pretty crazy busy this past week! I still cannot believe that you are already two years old!
It is so hard to begin this post because you are doing so many amazing things these days that I don't even know where to begin or what I should include. Every moment is so special to me. I never realized how much fun having a toddler could be until I had you! You are funny, sweet, precious, cute, and smart. You always make me smile. You test our patience a lot as well, but that is part of growing up and figuring out your boundaries.
You like to inform us about what is going on, even though it is obvious. For instance, when Troy is crying you’ll say “Troy crying,” then “Mama, Troy crying,” then “Daddy, Troy crying!” You've really started giving us directions (aka bossing us around). You'll see the TV remote and tell us to put on one of your favorite shows (your favorite is Clifford The Big Red Dog right now) or you'll tell us to read a book or you'll tell us to stand or sit in a particular location. Your language skills amaze me daily. You are speaking more and more clearly, and your sentence structure continues to grow.
You are still a great big sister. You are so proud of Troy, and it is hard to describe how I feel when you say "I love you Troy!" You still like to help out with Troy - in the photo below you were spinning the toys on his bouncer to entertain him.
You continue to love to sing. Even though it has been a month since Christmas, you love to sing "Frosty the Snowman!" Other favorite songs include "Jesus Loves Me" and "Roll the Gospel Chariot Along." You have been doing great in the two year old Bible class. You are very proud of your work when you come out of class.
You love to color and draw. You got an Aquadoodle
You love to identify the letters you know, and I'm always impressed when you shout out "A!" or "B!" when you see them whether it be in a book, on TV, or even on the wall at a restaurant. Right now you can identify A, B, C, E, L, and sometimes D. You can also count to 10 . . . well, most of the time, when you don't forget 9! I'm thankful you got over counting "1, 2, . . .4!" and finally remembered to include 3.
We celebrated your birthday by going to dinner, going to a movie, and going to get dessert afterwards. We had such a great time!
Favorite games/activities: coloring, playing with stickers, running around, dressing up (yourself or monkey), reading (some favorite books right now include Handy Manny Flicker Book
Ella @ 23 months
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