Happy 22 Months Ella!
This milestone is hitting me pretty hard. I'm realizing that you are almost two years old! As we are nearing Christmas, I'm remembering recent Christmases and it seems like only yesterday when I was pregnant, waiting anxiously through the holidays for you to arrive. Time has passed so quickly, and you are growing into such a sweet little girl. The day you turned 22 months old (a Wednesday) was your first time in the two year old Bible class. It was bittersweet that you are already old enough to move up! I know you will really love being in the class though.
I don't think a day passes anymore when I'm not amazed by something you say. Your communication continues to expand, and you are making more and more "sentences." You frequently speak in phrases now, rather than just single words. Every day you grow in your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. This month you finally started saying "I love you" and it melts my heart. You've also started saying (actually speaking the words) a prayer with us.
I think you have always been very inquisitive, but this month, you've put words to your curiosity. You frequently ask "What's that?" or "Who's that?" I'm not sure I'm ready to for all these questions, but I certainly appreciate that you want to know more about everything that is around you. All the Christmas decorations that have appeared in the past week or so have given you lots of new things to question. You like snowmen and the Christmas tree.
You have started really asking for the things you want now. One of the funniest things is how you ask for some cereal. You'll go into the kitchen, get a small plastic bowl (what I use sometimes to bring your snacks in the diaper bag), bring it to me or your dad and say "cereals!"
You started singing this month, and it is incredibly precious! Before now, you'd interact with music by doing hand motions or "dancing" but this is the first month you've actually sung along. You sing the line "As she's walking away" from the Zac Brown Band song, but you sing it "Ashy walking away!" We think you might think the song is talking about your friend who you call "Ashy." :)
You still truly love Troy, and you show concern if he is crying. In fact, you'll say "Troy crying!" One day you said "Troy crying," then you faked a cry and said "Ella crying!" It was so funny! You've also started directed me to put Troy in his swing if you need me to get you something when I'm holding him by saying "Troy swing!"
Favorite foods: peaches, banana, guacamole, tortilla, eggs, broccoli, noodles (especially with meat and red sauce), chicken nuggets, bread (rolls), crackers, cookies (animal cookies), rice, cereal
Favorite activities/games: Coloring (probably your most favorite thing to do right now), anything that involves putting things in things (like balls in a bucket), puzzles, running around the yard, reading books (like Clifford, the Big Red Dog
, Where is baby's mommy?
, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?
,Goodnight Moon
, That's How Much God Loves You
, and The Foot Book
Favorite activities/games: Coloring (probably your most favorite thing to do right now), anything that involves putting things in things (like balls in a bucket), puzzles, running around the yard, reading books (like Clifford, the Big Red Dog
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