The first activity I made for Ella from her site is called the Shape Silhouette Match-Up. I printed the materials, laminated
them, and created a folder game for Ella using velcro to match up the pieces. I wasn't sure how well Ella would do with this activity (although I was optimistic she'd be able to at least work on it a bit), but she has done really well, and can get most of the shapes most of the time! I'm really surprised at how long she will sit and work on the activity.
The second activity I made for Ella is called Color Puzzles. I printed out the sheets, cut out the animals or shapes, laminated them, and then put magnets on the back of the pieces. You could use these puzzles without magnets, but I liked the idea of Ella being able to use them on the refrigerator or the back of a cookie sheet. I think these puzzles are a little bit harder for her than the shape matching, but if I ask her to find the apple pieces, for example, she can usually find both pieces even if she hasn't quite figured out the puzzle-putting-together part of the activity.
I'm excited to look for more activities to make for Ella to work on - it really is a joy watching her learn and work on these things!
Do you have any favorite websites or blogs for more toddler activities?
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