Today was Ella's first Halloween. I decided fairly last minute that I'd get her a costume (and I'm glad I did!) but because I waited so late, I couldn't find anything in her size. When I found her "pea in a pod" costume, I really thought it was good for her (especially since she was "Lima" for so long to us). The only problem with the costume is that it was way too small. Oddly enough, it was a 6-9 month size (and she's just now 9 months old) but her legs didn't come close to fitting in the suit. So, I cut leg holes out of the bottom, and ended up having to hot glue the inside lining to the outside fur so it wouldn't fray. While I'm glad it ended up looking pretty cute, I really wish that I had the skills to sew it, but then again, maybe I don't need to learn to sew - all I really needed was the hot glue!