Monday, January 28, 2013

Troy’s Moose Shirt

I have to admit that if I were to guess if a boy or girl child would care more about what they wear, I’d guess the girl. But if the girl and boy I am talking about happen to be my Troy and my Ella, the boy actually cares a lot more. While Ella cares some about her clothes, she really isn’t picky and she really doesn’t have favorite shirts or outfits. She certainly didn’t care as much as Troy does at Troy’s age.

However, Troy has a few favorite shirts: anything with Mickey Mouse, his old-man Buzz Lightyear pajamas, and his moose shirt. He’s liked moose for a while, and when I saw the shirt, I knew he’d like it, although I had no idea how much he’d like it. Along with his Mickey Mouse shirts, he often requests to wear his moose shirt. It is funny to me that an almost-two-and-a-half year old boy would pay so much attention to his clothes. : )






Friday, January 25, 2013

“It’s mine!”

Troy has been extremely possessive lately, and reminds me a lot of the toddler’s rules of possession (modified).

it is mine

Troy often says (or yells or whines), “it’s mine!” to Ella, me, his dad, or anyone else that he feels is threatening his ability to posses whatever he has.

I’ve been really struggling with trying to foster an environment for the kids in which they are better at sharing their things. I know they are only 2 and 3 (almost 4), but I don’t want them to be materialistic or selfish. I don’t want them to be so concerned with physical things. I want them to be willing to share their things with others. I want them to not melt down if a toy gets broken or lost. I want them to be easy going and flexible as they play with each other (as well as others), and to understand that it is important to share and take turns and exhibit selfless attitudes.

I know that I need to be correcting poor attitudes and poor behavior consistently now.  I know there is no “trick” that will instantly turn my kids into kids who share with kindness. I know these characteristics aren’t something that just magically happen when they get to be a certain age. And, although I know that they won’t suddenly understand how to start sharing once they hit a certain age, I do know that their understanding of the concept of sharing will increase with age. Ella has proven that to me.

I also know that this task, although with most tasks in parenting, requires a lot of patience and perseverance.  And don’t get me wrong. They do share. Sometimes. : )


Monday, January 21, 2013

Drafting Dinner: Weekly Menu Planning

  • Lasagna, garlic bread, and salad
  • Paula Deen’s Farmers Pork Chops (new recipe for me) and a green veggie
  • Chicken enchilada casserole and beef enchilada casserole, salsa, guacamole, mexican rice, beans, and chips (we’re having this when we are having a group over for dinner)
  • BBQ chicken quarters, a green veggie, and probably some sort of potato side
  • Hamburgers
  • Leftovers or maybe breakfast for dinner

Sibling Photo Time

Before Troy was born, and when I wasn’t nearly as experienced with my camera, I wrote a post about taking a toddler’s photo. Much hasn’t changed in that department except that I’m dealing with two kiddos now. It can be quite difficult to get a photo of them together where they are both looking at the camera and both happy without assistance (things are much easier when my husband helps out). Here’s a great sequence to illustrate the point.  Ella is pretty good at following directions (unless she isn’t in a picture taking mood), but Troy on the other hand seems to do everything in his power to not follow directions.














Monday, January 14, 2013

“Daddy cut my hair!”

Back in November Troy's hair was starting to get a bit ragged.


We personally like his hair to be neat and short, and Trent and I had discussed that he would just buzz his head when we officially decided it was time for the  hair cut. One day when Ella and I were out shopping, I got a call from Trent telling me that he had successfully cut Troy’s hair. I was SHOCKED because I thought it would take both of us to hold him during the process, but Troy actually cooperated with Trent.

However, the haircut wasn’t exactly what I had imagined. It was, uh, a bit shorter. I also didn’t realize how blonde his hair is (which made him look almost bald!). (please ignore the poor quality cell phone pic)

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Everyone we saw was shocked by his hair, and, of course, rubbed his head and asked him who cut his hair. He’d say, “Daddy cut my hair!”

Although it was shorter than I expected, his little buzzed head was pretty cute, especially after it grew out some.

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It has grown out quite a bit now, and he even needs a trim. :) The other day I was playing a game with him to get him to identify some of his body parts. When I pointed to his hair he said, "Daddy cut my hair!"

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Drafting Dinner: Weekly Menu Planning

It feels good to actually be planning a menu – it means things are finally settling back into our normal routine. Although I love the holidays, there is something comforting about being at home, in our routine, doing our thing.

  • Taco salad
  • Chicken spaghetti with broccoli
  • Chicken fried rice with asian coleslaw salad (also for me to lunch on throughout the week)
  • Fried pork chops (new recipe for me) with cornflake potato casserole and green beans
  • Breakfast for dinner

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Heart Faces: Best Face Photo from 2012

One of these years, I’m sure I’ll be picking a face from my little boy, but there was just too much personality in Ella’s face in this photo not to pick it.

Here’s my photos from 2011, 2010, and 2009.




2013 Goals

Last year, rather than “resolutions” I set many goals for myself. I was successful at completing many of the goals for at least some length of time, but I did not keep up with most of them. That’s why many of my goals for 2013 are the same as in 2012. And, although I’m not a fan of “resolutions” I know that I have truly resolve to make some serious changes in my life if I really want to see these changes.

Spiritual Goals:

  • Daily Bible Reading
  • Focused/Planned Bible Study
  • Write Bible study lessons (and execute them) for the kids.
  • Start using the Scripture Memory System with the kids (and me!)
  • Develop a deeper prayer life.
  • Make an effort to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Always be ready and eager to share the gospel.

House Goals:

  • Get the house organized, and purged of excess junk at the beginning of the year.  I did this last year, but I need to do it again! It is amazing how much junk builds up over time and also how much stuff you kept last year that you realize you don’t need this year.
  • Have a garage sale (sooner rather than later).
  • Keep up with Flylady’s daily assignments to help keep the house in a manageable state.
  • Handle papers (mail, or otherwise) when they come into the home, rather than just piling them up to handle later.
  • Get one “house” project done each month (paint the front door, repair the floor, etc.)

Health Goals:

  • Get back into a regular cardio routine even if it just means pushing the stroller around the block.
  • Gain strength and endurance.
  • Continue on a path of healthy eating. Compared to a year ago, I have a much healthier eating lifestyle; however, I’m still not where I want to be.

Family goals:

  • Eat at home more often. This is something that definitely seems to waver with the season. The holidays kills our routine, but hopefully I’ll be back on track soon with more cooking at home.
  • Stick to our budget, and look for ways to save more.
  • Foster a good relationship between the kids (teaching them about sharing, patience, kindness, etc.)
  • Get outside more with the kids.
  • Cook a hot breakfast for the family at least once a week.


  • Learn more about off-camera flash.
  • Learn more about Adobe Photoshop.
  • Work on posing.
  • Learn more about graphic design.


  • Exhibit more patience towards everyone, but especially my husband and children.
  • Work on time management, including getting up at a more consistent time in the morning, and going to bed earlier in the evening.
  • Spend less time on the computer.
  • Finish reading Bringing Up Girls and Bringing Up Boys.
  • Re-read Your Mama Don’t Dance.
  • Read A Well-Trained Mind and Home Education as well as start doing serious research/planning on making a decision about homeschooling

Wednesday, January 2, 2013